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Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center
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Holistic Healthcare

Healing the body through Nature

Some of the services we provide
Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center  is currently a virtual, Tele-Health practice for seeing our patients. This does  not affect our classes for students. If you are a current patient or  would like to know more about how to arrange for a virtual visit please  look to our menu options "Telehealth Visit" for  more information or to schedule your appointment. Thank you.

We are only accepting new patients from other patient referrals at this time.

At Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center we will  use our unique skills,  knowledge, and principles of natural protocols to provide  expert  health care built upon a foundation of caring and committed relationships.

At Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center we believe in studying the traditionally used herbs which adhere to the three following rules:
1. ) Non-toxic
2. ) Non-poisonous
3. ) Non-habit forming
In unision with the above guidelines, we also teach the principles of a proper diet and exercise. A wholistic or whole body approach is the principle of our education program.

Native Americans were the first nations of the United States and  Canada. Before the days of pharmaceutical companies and a large  assortment of prescription drugs such as tramadol online to treat medical conditions, the Native Americans had to rely on natural remedies derived from the earth. Native American medicine combines herbs, spirituality and a deep belief in the healing power of the Earth. Modernist may balk at the Indians method of treating ailments. However, their medicine practices proved beneficial and continue to work in modern times.
It is our job to offer you an integrative center that creates the perfect partnership between you and your healthcare providers. At Tree of Life Holistic Wellness Center we take the time to understand and address your unique needs, and we are passionate about helping our clients get the full range of care that they need to thrive. Most clients who come to the center have been on a long journey, often seeing numerous providers and specialists who have been unable to find the underlying cause of their illness or disease. Your holistic  provider can help you combine the best protocols with the most advanced alternative wisdom to provide a focused experience that brings you results.
Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center  provides holistic care for the entire spectrum of life. Our approach addresses the whole person - body, mind and spirit.

Our holistic practice integrates a wide range of protocols including herbal, reflexology and other complementary methods to promote optimal health. We embrace a variety of the most current safe and effective protocols  in order to give the client choices in their holistic/Traditional Naturopathic programs.

We include education for lifestyle and nutrition changes and self care, and provide alternative holistic  options on site, such as lab testing, natural hormone education, reflexology and heavy metal detoxing.
Our holistic providers believe that prevention is preferable to treatment and usually more cost effective. The search for the underlying cause of the disease process is preferable rather than treating the individuals symptoms.
We believe that Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center can provide the greatest spectrum of health care.

Besides providing Traditional Naturopathic healthcare, Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center  also offers a wide range of educational classes including herbal, reflexology, Reiki, and other complementary methods to promote optimal health. We embrace a variety of the most complete classes for our students for choices in their holistic/Traditional Naturopathic education. We include education for lifestyle and nutrition changes and self care, and provide classes for the Home Herbalist (Herbalst Level 1) courses, Reflexology and Reike, nutrition and food preparation.

Our classes are taught by Dr. Earendil M. Spindelilus D.N.M., M.H., C.F., PSc.D, , a doctor of Natural Medicine, Clinical Master Herbalist, Certified Reflexoloist, Certified Nutritionist and Reiki Master. He is the author of numerous books on health and a past holistic radio show host. Board Certified in Natural Medicine.
His wife Peggy Spindelilus, a certifed Family Herbalist and a certifed nutritionist, also teaches classes on nutrition and vegan and raw cooking and preparation. She is also a past host of a holistic radio show.

Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness  Center is now offering online classes for becoming a Certified Home  Herbalist (Herbalist Level 1), Medical Herbalist (Herbalist Level 2), Anatomy, Botany, First-Aid, Nutritionist Level 1 and levels 1, 2 and 3 (Master) in Reiki,  in the convenience of your own home.
Virtual Visits, Phone Consultations.

Communicating remotely is a cost-effective approach to medicine. To begin, Dr. Spindelilus will personally evaluate your situation, requesting you bring in past lab reports, imaging studies, and recent medical history. Upon review, an appointment time will be set at your convenience and the transformational healing process will begin.
During the initial consultation, Dr. Spindelilus will summarize findings from your records, verify your priorities, and assemble a workable plan of next steps to reach the goals the two of you agreed upon.

For some people this initial consultation is enough, and for others further sessions are planned, for every person is unique and every path to wellness different. Regardless of how many sessions you require, your organization, focus, and motivation are the most important factors for how quickly and completely you meet your stated goals.

Delivering Results
Patient Testimonials
What our patients are saying about us ...
Some of our Success Stories


Just got back from Dr. [Name With-held] office.
My total Cholesterol is down from 221 to 177
HDL From 57 to 54
LDL From 125 to 110
Testosterone up to 741!
I think it was as low as 350 and no higher than 500

I also had an appointment with Dr. [Name With-held] the endocrinologist. He lowered my synthroid meds from 150 to 125

B from Redding, California

My Journey to good health

Hi,  my name is Krystal. I wanted to tell you what happened to me. I used to  drink a soda every single day and ate fast food and processed food  everyday.
Then in 2009 I was  bleeding for 8 months straight so I went to the doctor and he said I had  a cyst on my right ovary. So he took it out (the ovary) and said my  appendix was bruised so he took it out too. The I went back to drinking  soda and eating processed food.
Then  in 2012 I had spasms in my stomach and the pain was so bad I was taking  so much Vicodin and Advil. So I went to the doctor and he told me that I  had another cyst on my left ovary and had Endometriosis. I wanted him  to try and save my ovary but he could not because it was so bad. He had  to take it out. When he did my surgery he said I was the worst patient  that had Endometriosis. He said it was all over the pace. The he told me  to take birth control for my hormones or I will be in pain for the rest  of my life. It was making me sicker and I was in so much pain. I was  still taking Vicodin and I got addicted to it.

The  I went to Earendil who is a Doctor of Natural Medicine/Master Herbalist  and told him what I went through. and he gave me herbs to take and 2  months later my cramps went away. I have energy and I am not tired  anymore and I have gotten off the Vicodin and the birth control because  of the herbs he gave me and I followed his program.Now  I am eating better and I dont drink soda anymore. I feel great.  Earendil cured me and saved my life. So if any of you guys want to get  better and do it the natural way and not drugs, see Earendil.

Krystal from Redding California
Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center

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